Thursday, November 11, 2004

Veteran's Day and Misc.

God Bless our Troops and give them Victory, Security and the Respect and Honor they deserve!

Random things going on right now...
Sugarland Update: Alicia got a job teaching 6th grade Language Arts at Garcia M.S. I am super proud of her and she'll do great there. I don't think any principal worth their salt could meet her and not want her to teach at their school. now for me to find a job... I hear they need a fry cook at the Mc D's (finally my job experience pays off!)

Great blogosphere discussion going on at Andrew Jones' Tall Skinny Kiwi. It's about whether God is up to something in the USA. good stuff to read and see the different opinions on there from all over.

I am still really enjoying the book I have been reading "Houses That Change The World" by Wolfgang Simon. It's about house churches and the whole idea intrigues me. Have any of you out there heard about Luther's 3rd worship service for the house setting? Would be interested to see what Uncle Marty has to say about the house church.


Jason Maroney said...

thanks p
yeah we are officially not disowned yet.
we'll be in SA for Turkey Day and i believe the day after (best day ever for married couples...i get football - they get shopping and everybody's happy) then i think we will be going to sugarland to look at some homes (for rent)
what are you planning again?
you are sure invited -

Mike Morrell said...

House churches, yes...I've been in one for the past five years. Wouldn't trade it for anything. Home church community is a very freeing way to know God in Christ in a deeper way. Check here for more home churching sites than you can shake a stick at.

Jason Maroney said...

thanks Mike,
i will definitely check it out!!
also, thanks for the work you do on the ooze - great site!